
Important initiative

European Labour Mobility Institute is the only think tank in Europe that specialises in the issue of the posting of workers in the framework of the provision of services. Every year we organise European Labour Mobility Congress in Kraków, the largest cyclical event in Europe dedicated to this topic. We create a unique forum for dialogue, analysing the facts and looking for a constructive compromise based on them, so that the free movement of services in the internal market benefits workers, their employers and the European economy as a whole. Our analyses and opinions are used in the work of the Polish government, the European Commission and the European Parliament.


Development opportunities

  • Are you interested in European law?
  • Are you a student, doctoral student or doing research?
  • Would you like to join our team on a permanent basis or as an associate?
  • Or are you a student and would like to do an internship with us?


Student traineeships


The internship lasts for a minimum of 3 months at 20h per week. During this time, there is an opportunity to participate in a Posting Lab workshop. The internship ends with a certificate of completion. You can do your internship in one of the three areas of your choice: communication, administration and law.

Permanent job

We invite people to join our team who are determined to tie their career to our area of interest. We employ talented people who are ready to continuously learn and change reality together with us. We offer particularly great development opportunities to people who want to grow scientifically.

Scientific cooperation

We are happy to collaborate with those involved professionally or academically in the coordination of social security systems, European labour law and the posting of workers under the freedom to provide services. We offer access to our knowledge and materials.

Join the European Labour Mobility Institute