09 April, 2024

Posting Lab on social security of posted workers on April 19!

96. Posting Lab - online workshops

Join us for the 96th Posting Lab, which will take place on April 19. Participation only online as always on the zoom platform. To sign up for the Lab, we kindly ask you to fill out the registration form. The Lab will be led by dr. Marek Benio.


The workshop is addressed to practitioners of posting: entrepreneurs, ZUS officials, lawyers, advisors and accountants, who in their daily professional work should apply the EU regulations on coordination of social security systems. We also invite researchers and academic lecturers dealing with social security in cross-border situations.

Workshop topics

The object of this Workshop is to organize the basic knowledge of social security in cross-border situations - both for posted workers and for workers performing work in two or more member states. We will present the principles of coordination of social security systems and their practical implications for determining a single legislation applicable to workers crossing the internal borders of the EU for professional purposes.


1. The principle of a single legislation. Determination of applicable legislation. Requesting portable document A1 with consideration of digitization of requests and control.
2. Traps of posting under Article 12: normal activities, subordination, substitution, 24/2 period;
3. Traps of working in two countries under Article 13: marginal work, alternation, failure to perform scheduled work;
4. Exception agreement - application of one legislation despite lack of grounds.
5. Permanence of A1 - withdrawal, shortening, cancellation of A1 - forgery and fraud (fraud) in the context of A1
6. The body of CJEU case law in removing conflicts between social security systems - review of rulings with a view to clarifying concepts:

  • alternation (Article 13) - opinion of R.G. Jan Mazak in the Format case
  • substitution (Article 12) - opinion of R.G. Henrik Saugsmandsgaard Oe in the Alpenrind case
  • subordination (Article 12) - CJEU judgment in the Walltopia case
  • Fraud in applying for A1 - Altun case
  • A1 - questionable indication of correct posting under labor law - CJEU judgment in Bouygues case

7. Social insurance of foreigners in the Polish Social Insurance Institution and the application of coordination rules to them in case of posting or work in two countries.
8. Social insurance abroad on the example of selected countries.
9. Contribution assessment basis of posted employees and employees on a foreign business trip.

Practical information

The 96th Posting Lab will be held on Friday, April 19 from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Participation only online as always on the zoom platform. We are waiting for applications until April 18. Payment is a condition of participation. The workshop will be conducted only in Polish.

The cost of participation in the Workshop is 300 PLN net for Ordinary Members and employees of Supporting Members, and 750 PLN net for non-members. Academics interested in the topic of delegation of workers and employees of public administration can take part in the Workshop free of charge.

As always, we encourage discussion and questions at kontakt@labourinstitute.eu. Questions submitted prior to the event will be answered first.