European Labor Mobility Congress in:

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17-18.02.2025, Kraków



We are pleased to invite you to the 8th edition of the European Labour Mobility Congress (ELMC), which will take place on February 17-18, 2025, at the ICE Congress Centre in Krakow. This prestigious event has been a magnet for audiences from Poland and across Europe, bringing together professionals interested in the single market, labour mobility, and the freedom to provide services.

The first day of the Congress, under the name SIMFO@ELMC (Single Market Forum at European Labour Mobility Congress), will also be part of the Polish Presidency of the Council of the European Union. Participants will have the opportunity to attend lectures on key issues related to the single market, such as the expansion of the European Union to new member states, free trade agreements, and the challenges related to the posting of workers within the context of the freedom to provide services.

One of the most critical topics to be addressed during the Congress will be the posting of workers, which has long been a source of controversy at the European Union level. In theory, posting workers offers benefits to all parties involved—workers can earn more abroad than at home, their rights are protected under the principle of favorability, and employers can access the vast EU market without needing to establish branches in every member state. However, in practice, the process faces significant challenges. Issues such as social dumping, unscrupulous business practices, and difficulties in enforcing regulations have made the posting of workers one of the most controversial subjects in EU political debates over the past decade.

The first day will therefore offer a deep dive into the distinction between social protection and protectionism and will explore how the principle of “equal pay for equal work” perpetuates wage inequality within the European Union. Experts will also discuss whether the difficulties in enforcing existing regulations justify their revision and how to strike a balance between the freedom to provide services and worker protection.

The second day will focus on practical solutions to challenges related to labour mobility and the functioning of the single market. Participants will be able to join workshops where experts will share valuable insights and strategies on managing the posting of workers and ensuring compliance with regulations.

More information about the program, registration and speakers will be available soon. Make sure to secure your spot at this exceptional event!


Poland’s EU Presidency

SIMFO@ELMC – Official Event of the Polish Presidency of the Council of the European Union

The first day of the European Labour Mobility Congress is combined with the Single Market Forum (SIMFO), co-organized by the European Commission, the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology and the European Labour Mobility Institute. This joint event is recognized as an official event of the Polish Presidency of the Council of the European Union.

Congress Topics and Presidency Priorities

The themes of the European Labour Mobility Congress closely align with one of the main priorities of Poland’s EU Council Presidency:

Ensuring Security and Freedom of Business

This priority is a perfect reflection of the Polish Presidency’s motto:

Security, Europe!

The broader framework of the Polish Presidency’s focus on security also encompasses:

  • Defense and security
  • Protection of people and borders
  • Resilience to  foreign interference and disinformation
  • Energy transition
  • Competitive and resilient agriculture
  • Health security

Impact on Labour Mobility and Service Provision

The anticipated deepening of cooperation between the EU and the US, including a potential free trade agreement, will facilitate European service providers in offering their services to American clients, while also enabling American service providers to do the same within the EU.

How will the expansion of the service market be affected by the accession of new member states to the EU? More companies, increased competition, but also more clients—and above all, the opportunity to fill workforce gaps. Until this expansion occurs, the pressing issue remains the posting of third-country nationals, particularly Ukrainian citizens.

The Presidency is Approaching…

The Presidency of the Council of the EU rotates among all member states every six months, starting from January and July each year. Representatives from the country holding the Presidency, at both ministerial and expert levels, are responsible for setting the agenda of Council meetings and leading negotiations among member states.

Poland’s Role in 2025

From January 1, 2025, Poland will take over the Presidency from Hungary and will pass it on to Denmark on June 30, 2025. Since the Lisbon Treaty, three consecutive countries work together with the European Commission to develop an 18-month program, with each country detailing its specific priorities for its six-month term. This triangular handover rarely leads to abrupt policy shifts.

Our Commitment
We are proud to host an official event of the Polish Presidency in the Council of the EU and eagerly anticipate the growing importance of the freedom to provide services in realizing the Presidency’s priorities. The European Labour Mobility Congress is not only an opportunity to discuss key challenges facing Europe but also a platform for developing practical solutions that will strengthen the single market and enhance labour mobility.

Speakers- Day 1

Mario Monti

Former Commissioner for Internal Market, Financial Service, Customs and Taxation

Kerstin Jorna

Director General at European Comission

Krzysztof Paszyk

Minister of Economic Development and Technology

Mary Veronica Tovšak Pleterski

Director for Single market enforcement at DG for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (GROW) in the European Commission

Michał Baranowski

Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology

Elżbieta Bieńkowska

European Commissioner (2014-2019) for SingleMarket, Industry, Entrepreneurship

Stefan Schwarz

President of European Labour Mobility Institute

Paulina Piskor

CEO at Contrain Group sp. z o.o., Board member at Contrain Poland sp. z o.o. Temporary Employment Agency posting workers to foreign user employers

Prof. Maciej Szpunar

First Advocate General at the Court of Justice of the European Union

Prof. Herwig Verschueren

Professor of International and European Social Law at the University of Antwerp

Jakub Boratyński

Director for Networks and Governance in the Directorate General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (GROW) at the European Commission

Henning Ehrenstein

Head of Unit for Skills, Services and Professions in the Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs in the European Commission.

Tanel Feldman

Immigration Law Associates

Jo Antoons

Attorney and Managing Partner of Fragomen’s Brussels office, member of European Commission Expert Group on Economic Migration

Zbigniew Bartuś

Journalist and columnist for and Dziennik Gazeta Prawna

Maciej Witucki

President of Confederation Lewiatan

Michał Kacprzyk, PhD

Partner | Attorney-at-law | Doctor of juridical science | LL.M.

Martynas Barysas

Director for Internal Market at Business Europe

Marcin Nowacki

Vicepresident of Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers

Renata Juszkiewicz

President of the Management Board of the Polish Trade and Distribution Organization

Dr Alexander Tesche

Chief Compliance Officer STRABAG SE in Wien

Peter Hrbik

Head of Legal Department, German-Czech Chamber of Industry and Commerce

Nadja Duykers

Director of the Department for Competition and Consumers at the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs

Tomáš Prouza

President at the Confederation of Commerce and Tourism of the Czech Republic. Vicepresident of the Czech Chamber of Commerce and of EuroCommerce

Philippe Adriaenssens

Policy Director at European Round Table for Industry (ERT)

Grzegorz Sikorski

Director of the Provincial Labor Office in Katowice

Marek Benio PhD

Lawyer, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Vice President of the European Labour Mobility Institute

Marek Benio PhD

Lawyer, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Vice President of the European Labour Mobility Institute

Speakers - Day 2

Prof. Catherine Barnard

Professor of European Union and Employment Law at the University of Cambridge

Prof. Herwig Verschueren

Professor of International and European Social Law at the University of Antwerp

Jo Antoons

Attorney and Managing Partner of Fragomen’s Brussels office, member of European Commission Expert Group on Economic Migration

Tanel Feldman

Immigration Law Associates

Agnieszka Paszkowski

Associée - DBA- International Business Services

Ewald Obberhammer

Corporate Migration Centre

Marta Zięba-Szklarska

Expert in Human Resources, Payroll, and Cross-border Employment, Interim Manager in the area of Consulting and Business Development in Poland and in international projects, a board member of the European Labour Mobility Institute

Frederic De Wispelaere

Research expert at HIVA–KU Leuven

Karolina Schiffter

advocate, partner, PCS | Littler

Prof. Daniel Eryk Lach, LL.M. (EUV)

Associate Professor at the Department of Labor Law and Social Security Law, Faculty of Law and Administration, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań

Joanna Stolarek

Senior Lawyer | Tax Advisor | Certified Compliance Officer

Marc Geer

Senior Global Operations Director for Fragomen

Joanna Janicka

Payroll & Labour Compliance Manager at Contrain Group sp. z o.o. Temporary Employment Agency posting workers to foreign user employers

Dr Kamil Matuszczyk

Assistant professor, University of Warsaw

Ewelina Książkiewicz

Legal Manager/GDPR Officer - Contrain Group

Joanna Narkiewicz-Tarłowska

Managing Director at Vialto Partners Poland

Jadwiga Chorązka

Leader of the Global Mobility Team at Vialto Partners Poland

Emilia Piechota

Managing Director responsible for providing immigration services in Poland and other CEE countries at Vialto Partners

David Wernsing

Founding partner of Luscuere & Wernsing Advocaten

Ada Zaorska

President of the Polish Home Care Association

Grzegorz Ogórek

Director in the Legal and Tax Department at Vialto Partners Poland

Dr Marcin Kiełbasa

Legal scholar and legal advisor, currently serving as an assistant professor at the Department of Public Economic Law and Labor Law at the Cracow University of Economics

Dr Karolina Ziemianin

Head of German Desk - European Labour Mobility Institute

Dr Marek Benio

Lawyer, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Vice President of the European Labour Mobility Institute

Dr Julia Uznanski

Attorney & Founder - The Labour Migration Law Firm


ICE Kraków Congress Centre – The Modern Heart of Historic Kraków

Kraków, one of Europe’s oldest and most beautiful cities, is a place where the past seamlessly blends with the future. At the heart of this dynamic city, rich in historical heritage and cultural wealth, lies the ICE Kraków Congress Centre. ICE Kraków, or International Conferences & Entertainment, is a state-of-the-art convention center designed to host prestigious events on a global scale.

Located on the banks of the Vistula River, with a stunning view of Wawel Castle, ICE Kraków harmoniously combines modern architecture with the beauty of its historic surroundings. This venue perfectly captures the essence of Kraków—a complete city that is both a modern hub for business and technology and a guardian of its rich cultural and historical legacy.

With its advanced technological solutions, prime location, and flexible space, ICE Kraków is the ideal venue for conferences, congresses, and cultural events. It is here, in the unique atmosphere of Kraków, that our European Labour Mobility Congress will take place, serving as an official event of the Polish Presidency of the Council of the European Union.

Program – DAY 1 – SIMFO@ELMC

Please note that the following schedule is provisional. Detailed information will be updated regularly.

8:30 Registration

9:15 – 9:45Opening – Krzysztof Paszyk, Minister of Economic Development and Technology;

Stéphane Séjourné, Executive Vice-President Commissioner for Prosperity and Industrial Strategy, responsible for Industry, SME and Single Market;

Stefan Schwarz, President of ELMI

9:45 – 10:30 – High level panel on the Future of the Single Market:

Mario Monti, former Commissioner for Internal Market, Financial Service, Customs and Taxation

Elżbieta Bieńkowska, former Commissioner for Single Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship, and SMEs

Kerstin Jorna, Director General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, European Commission

Michał Baranowski –Undersecretary of State at the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology

10:30 – 11:00Presentation of the results of public consultations regarding SM Strategy by the EC and introduction to the topic

11:00 – 11:30 – Coffee Break –

11:30 – 13:00 – Session I – Killers and Drivers of the Single Market – freedom to provide services


Prof. Maciej Szpunar AG CJEU


Jakub Boratyński, Director for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, European Commission

Paulina Piskor, Contrain

Tanel Feldman, Immigration Law Associates

Marcin Nowacki, European Economic and Social Committee

Jo Antoons, Fragomen

Michał Kacprzyk, Raczkowski

13:00 – 14:00 Lunch

14:00 – 15:00Session II – Parallel workshops

  1. EU Enlargement
  2. Free flow of goods
  3. SM governance
  4. Regional benefits of the Single Market

15:00 – 15:30 – Coffee Break- 

15:30 – 16:30 Session III – Ambitious or reluctant – Single Market Strategy 2025

Beginning with short feedback from workshops moderators followed by discussion


Kerstin Jorna, Director General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, European Commission

Michał Baranowski, Undersecretary of State at the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology

Martynas Barysas, Director for Internal Market Department, Business Europe

Maciej Witucki, President of the Polish 
Confederation Lewiatan

Representative of SMEunited

Representative of Eurochambres

16:30 – 17:00 – Conclusions of the day

19:00 – 20.30 – Dinner | Banquet



Program – DAY 2 – ELMC – workshops

The agenda for the second day of the European Labour Mobility Congress is continuously evolving. We’re excited to present a preview of the topics and speakers featured in 14 workshops led by 23 distinguished experts.

Final timings and schedules will be released soon, ensuring that workshops on similar topics do not overlap. Stay tuned for updates!

Morning Sessions 

Keynote Speech

  • Catherine Barnard

Session 1: Posting of Third-Country Nationals


  • Herwig Verschueren
  • Frederic de Wispelaere
  • Marek Benio
  • Representatives of Ministry of Familly, Labour and Social Policy

A follow-up discussion on the most controversial “Killers and Drivers of the Single Market” of the single market from Day 1.
This session will explore recruitment, employment, and intra-EU mobility of third-country nationals, including posting of workers.

Session 2: Multiple Solutions to One Problem


  • Karolina Schiffter
  • Julia Uznanski
  • David Wernsing
  • Davide Vieni
  • Marta Zięba-Szklarska

Each speaker will present a practical problem, gather insights from fellow experts, and propose their own solutions. Audience questions are welcome!

Afternoon Workshops

Posting of Third-Country Nationals within the European Economic Area – A Freedom to Provide Services or its Restriction?
From Posting to Deportation: A Case Study on Ukrainian Workers in the Netherlands
  • Speaker: Joanna Janicka (CONTRAIN)
EU Digital Space and Digital Identity Wallet: Ensuring a Competitive Internal Market
  • Speaker: Ewelina Książkiewicz (CONTRAIN)
Social Security Coordination with a Focus on Third-Country Nationals


  • Andrzej Szybkie, Krzysztof Delert – Urban, Wim Cocquyt
Compensation for posted workers- the concept of transnational remuneration and its 4 pillars
  • Speaker: Tanel Feldman (COMIC)
Global Mobility Goes Digital


  • Jo Antoons, Marc Geer (Fragomen)
Work Without Borders: Posting, Remote Work and Business Trips – Tax and Social Security Must-Have for Employers
  • Speaker: Joanna Stolarek (RACZKOWSKI)
Live-in Care Services in the EU: Challenges and Senior Policy


  • Polish Association of Live-in Care (PSOD)
  • Ada Zaorska
  • Kamil Matuszczyk
  • Karolina Ziemianin
  • Marek Benio
Country-Specific Workshops
Posting to France – A Practical Perspective
  • Speaker: Agnieszka Paszkowski (DBA)

Posting to Germany

  • Speaker: Julia Uznanski (Uznanski Rechtsanwaltsgesel)

Posting to Belgium

  • Speaker: Sophie Maes (Claeys & Engels | Ius Laboris Belgium | Global HR Lawyers)


Note: This preview is subject to updates. Keep an eye on this page for the final schedule. We look forward to welcoming you to an engaging and insightful Day 2 at ELMC!

Please note that the following schedule is provisional. Detailed information will be updated regularly.

9:00 – Registration

9:30 Inauguration – large combined room

9:45 – Workshop 1 – large combined room

11:00 – Workshop 2 – large combined room

12:00 – 12:30 – Coffee Break

Parallel workshop sessions in shared rooms:

12:30 – Workshop 3,4,5

13:40 – Workshop 6,7,8

14:40 – LUNCH

15:40 – Workshop 9,10,11

16:50 – Workshop 12,13,14

17:50- 18:00/15 – Instead of a summary


20:00 – Afterparty – more information- coming soon


The Congress offers a unique opportunity to share practical experiences and solutions for overcoming the challenges of cross-border service provision. We believe in learning from each other, which is why Day 2 is all about hands-on learning through parallel workshops tailored to the most pressing issues. We have collected simple questions to which there are no simple answers and we will ask the best experts to offer solutions.

Here are some real examples: 

  • Can I hire a non-EU third country national exclusively for a project, which is carried out in another Member State? 
  • A PD-A1 has been revoked by my competent institution after the termination of the contract with my employee. Contributions were calculated and paid to this competent institution based on the valid (at the time of posting) PD-A1. What obligations do I have? 
  • What specific criteria determine if a worker is considered genuinely “temporarily” posted?
  • Are letterbox companies illegal? Can I establish a company in another Member State with the sole purpose of recruiting and hiring workers there and posting them to my country of origin? 
  • How to draft workers’ contracts to be robust enough to withstand legal challenges in both sending and receiving countries? Crafting agreements to avoid dual jurisdiction conflicts and ensure workers’ rights are clear and respected? 
  • The application of the self-imposing rules on employment conditions of the receiving Member State may not be an obstacle to apply more favourable conditions of employment. Who and how determines which conditions are more favourable to employees? 
  • Board, accommodation, travel costs vs. allowances relate to posting. Which elements are included in the “remuneration” and which have to be paid on top? And if they are – are they subject to social security contribution and income tax?
  • As a temporary employment undertaking I would like to hire out third country nationals to user undertaking in another Member State. What other obligations do I have compared to temporary workers who are EU-citizens? 
  • Are the periods of posting for the purpose of social security coordination calculated in the same manner as for the purpose of long term posting under the posting of workers directive?
  • Where do my employees pay personal income tax? Is there anything an employer can do to optimise fiscal costs and still remain compliant? 

If you have other practical problems which need to be solved, please write them down and contact us and we will make sure that they will be answered at one of the workshops on ELMC Day 2.

Day 1 Organisers

Host City

Day 2 Organiser

Regional Partner

Main Partner


Partners & Sponsors

Press room

Warm up watching

Prices & Discounts

DAY ONE – 17.02.2025 – SIMFO@ELMC
Free admission with registration on the Polish Presidency website – limited number of seats available, so please register promptly. Due to formal reasons, the European Labour Mobility Institute does not handle direct registration for this day of the Congress.

DAY TWO – 18.02.2025 – Registration is available EXCLUSIVELY through this registration form

Take advantage of our EARLYBIRD promotion – enter the code EARLYBIRD in the registration form to receive a 20% discount – limited number of promotional tickets available.- Available till the end of October.

Take advantage of our BLACK WEEK promotion – enter the code BLACK_WEEK in the registration form to receive a 20% discount – limited number of promotional tickets available.- Available 27.11 – 3.12.2024.

Simply register at least three participants at once, and you will automatically receive a 5% discount for all. You can enter all participants in the last section of the registration form.

Standard GROSS prices (including VAT) and discounts are as follows:

1222 PLN – standard ticket

888 PLN – ticket for ELMI members

444 PLN – academic staff not engaged in business activities

0 PLN – public administration employees

-> Please note that prices will increase as the event date approaches.


Marcin, Ligia, Karolina, Marta, Marek

tel: +48 795 586 620

Congress Team

Ligia Jaszczewska

Head of Event

tel: +48 572 774 163

Congress Manager

Anna Grodecka

tel: +48 795 586 620

Participant registration

Dr Marek Benio

tel: +48 508 249 109

President of the Program Council