___ 52 Warsztat Posting Lab

Posting workers to Belgium and France after 30th July 2020

Termin: 16 lipca, 2020, godz. 11:00

Czas trwania: 16 lipca 2020 r. (czwartek)godz. 11:00-14:00

Miejsce: Kraków & online

Prowadzący: Tanel Feldman


Pracownicy naukowi i administracji publicznej: bezpłatnie
Członkowie zwyczajni i pracownicy Członków wspierających: 300 zł netto
Pozostałe osoby: 750 zł netto
Rejestracja zakończona


Programme of the Lab (the same issues for both Member States):

1. Remuneration – how to calculate, where to find information
2. Long term posting – calculating, interrupting and extending the period of posting
3. Cumulative calculation of posting periods of few posted workers
4. All applicable employment conditions – where to find them?
5. Travel and board cost reimbursement
6. Conditions of accommodation

France – specific problem:
7. Will the employment on the French terms and conditions (long term posting) be a criterion in determining a habitual, continuous and stable activity in France?

8. Q&A session (questions sent beforehand will be answered first).

Speaker: Tanel Feldman
Senior Partner at Immigration Law Associates, Tanel Feldman focuses his practice on EU labour mobility.
Tanel works to promote a better relationship between academic debate and practice and defends the principle of primacy of EU law as an opportunity rather than a constraint.
Assisted by an experienced team and supported by a network of partners across the EU, Tanel provides in-depth advice on rights and obligations triggered by the cross-border element of given legal situations.
Member of different associations and organisations such as the European Law Institute and the International Bar Association, Tanel promotes EU law as a “new legal order of international law”. He is also a Supporting Member of Labour Mobility Initiative.

Pracownia odbędzie się w języku angielskim (bez tłumaczenia) w formie webinarium na platformie Zoom.

Zgłoszenia można przesyłać do 10 lipca 2020 na adres kontakt@inicjatywa.eu. Zgłoszenie powinno zawierać imię i nazwisko uczestnika (uczestników), nazwę firmy/instytucji, adres mailowy i numer telefonu oraz dane do faktury (w przypadku płatnego uczestnictwa).